How To Choose Photos For Dating Profile
1 week ago
How To Choose Photos For Dating Profile

How To Choose Photos For Dating Profile

If you're wondering how to take attractive attractice photos for your dating profile, then you've come to the right place. I've helped thousands of guys fix their profiles, and it's a relatively simple process.

Here at DatingShoot we study the science of attraction as it relates to your choice of pictures, and the things that really matter might surprise you.

What matters: composition

In the past we've written extensively about how to take the perfect photos for dating profiles, such as in our post the ultimate guide to dating app profile pictures.

Is it a selfie, or was it taken by someone else? There's nothing wrong with taking selfies, but choosing to use one on your dating profile implies you don't have any better photos to choose from. That just screams "I'm alone and boring."

Before and after photo for dating profile

Not to mention, selfies dramatically distort the features on your face. Usually this makes the nose appear larger, but it will also amplify all the other aspects of your face to an unnatural degree, such as making a long face appear even longer (and visa versa for a shorter face).

Next: is the lighting soft and flattering, as opposed to harsh? Don't underestimate the importance of good lighting - it can have the same effect as a full face of makeup in hiding imperfections. Harsh lighting has the opposite effect.

Finally, is the focal length (determined by the camera lens) correct? This is a HUGE one. A wide-angle camera lens (like the ones found in iPhones), shot from a close distance, will heavily distort your facial features. For most people, this throws the ratios of their face off completely.

One "hack" you can use if you cannot access a professional camera is to move the iPhone considerably further back, and zoom in to frame your face. A longer focal length will flatten your features, instantly making you appear more attractive.

There is another, easier way to accomplish the perfect composition, but more on that later.

What does NOT matter: external status symbols

Guys love taking pictures in front of fancy hotels and expensive cars. Some guys are even more blatant with it, flashing wads of cash in their photos.

It. doesn't. work. Trust me. Guys think they are being clever, when in reality this is one of the many reason you get no matches on Tinder.

High value needs to be demonstrated subtly. It needs to whisper, not scream "look at me!" If you go to lengths to demonstrate your wealth or status overtly, it almost always comes off as overcompensation.

The best backgrounds for your photos are common, every day locations with an elevated flair. Think standing in a luxury kitchen area, or going for a walk in a nice park, or sitting by a fire pit at a nice rooftop bar.

Photo for dating profile of a man at tennis court

So long as you avoid overly boring places (like your living room), the best background is one that doesn't draw attention to itself.

You want to showcase yourself out and about in the world, engaging in activities. Most women are simply screening to see if you actually get up and leave your computer every once in a while.

What DOES matter: your fashion and grooming

Because dating apps are so accessible, I've noticed a growing trend among men of just using a random set of photos of themself as their dating profile pictures. That's a huge mistake.

In the same way you would dress and groom yourself to look your best for a professional photoshoot at school or work, you should be doing the same with your dating profile pictures.

Every single photo on your profile should show you at your best, wearing a highly attractive outfit and with perfect grooming. Remember, you are trying to make a first impression here.

What does NOT matter: hyper-masculine/shirtless pics

Look, if you are a hyper-masculine guy, then by all means have at it. That's who you are, and you may want to show that pre-screen the women who swipe right on you.

But time and time again, it's been proven that shirtless pics are simply very polarizing. Sure, some women like them, but the majority are closer to the "meh" side than the "love it!" side.

At the end of the day, a guy who is well-dressed, and who has high quality composition photos is going to outperform a guy who is in amazing shape posting shirtless gym selfies every day of the week.

What DOES matter: your facial expression and gaze

For some reason, most guys tend to fall into one of two categories when it comes to their dating profile pictures: they either look way too menacing, or way too smily.

They either look like the kind of guy that you cross the street to avoid, or they look like the most lovable golden retriever you've ever seen.

My personal theory is that guys try to "maximize" for what they think women want, so if they have a preconceived notion that women love bad boys, they take it to the extreme, and visa versa.

In reality, women are much more nuanced.

BY FAR the most valuable facial expression is going to be something I like to call the "proud smirk."

Photo for dating profile of a man in the kitchen with wine

You aren't smiling showing full teeth (although you should do this in at least one of your pictures if you have a great smile), but rather you have a relaxed and effortless grin, paired with a serious and relaxed eye gaze.

Imagine you are playfully studying a woman sitting across from you who just stripped off all of her clothes.

That's the gaze that tends to attract women the most, because it's all together inviting, fun, exciting, romantic, and intense.

Oh, and pro tip: don't stare directly into the camera. Even if you are looking towards the camera, you should try to look "past" it. Imagine there is someone standing slightly to the side of the camera, talking to you.

Generally speaking, you should aim for variety in your photos. Try and make every photo show you from a slightly different angle.

There's an easier way

If getting attractive photos for your dating profile is starting to sound more like a full time job and less like a fun excursion, you'd be right.

But don't let that put you off from fixing your pictures! You should know the brutal importance of dating profile pictures. Luckily, there is an easier way.

Using AI, you can generate highly attractive, completely undetectable photos for dating profiles that instantly increase your matches. No expensive photoshoot or days of wasted time.

Head on over to our home page to learn why so many people have trusted us with producing the perfect page. Get your perfect pictures in just hours at

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