If you've read our post about the importance of your dating photos, then it's no wonder you are looking for the best dating photos for guys.
If you don't have the perfect first photo, there's an 85% chance she's going to swipe left and move on to the next guy.
So what exactly are the best dating photos for guys?
That's a little tricky to answer, because a photo has two parts:
- The composition
- The subject matter
Let's break it down.
The composition
You probably came to this article looking for a validated list of highly attractive scenarios for your dating photos - and I will give you exactly that.
But first I need to warn you.
Most guys think the scenarios they present in their photos is the most important thing.
It's not.
The composition, which includes the lighting, framing, angle, distance, focal length, etc, is actually much more important.
A photo with perfect composition could be taken from the balcony of your apartment and perform much better than a crazy good action shot in some exotic location.
So let me set the stage by showing you how to achieve this perfect composition first.
Simply put: the best dating photos should look perfect, while looking like you aren't trying to look perfect. Makes total sense, right?
I know it's confusing, but the composition of your photo really does matter a lot. If it doesn't tick all the boxes, you're going straight into the left-swipe pile without a second thought.
Here's a quick checklist:
- High quality, but not too high (taken by a professional camera, but not in a way where I can see every individual hair on your face)
- Perfect angles to maximize attractiveness
- Soft lighting (golden hour, or indoors)
- Attractive lifestyle background (outdoors, or an interesting environment)
- Relaxed facial expression (usually a smirk with the mouth closed, or a relaxed smile)
- The perfect crop: shows most of your body, with your facial features still visible.
- The right focal length (flattens your facial features rather than distort them - this requires a professional camera w/ lens)
- Elevated fashion style, usually involving layers or textures
- Well groomed, looking how you do on your best day
- Looking "past" the camera
- Candid looking, as if you didn't even know you were getting your picture taken.
If all of that seems overwhelming, don't worry - I'll show you in a minute how you can get the perfect photos with zero effort.
The subject matter
As I mentioned earlier, the subject matter of the photo is not the most important thing. The composition is.
That being said, if you are looking to maximize your success on dating apps, you need to dial in both of these aspects to produce the best dating app photos.
As part of our development of DatingShoot, we extensively research scenarios that women find highly attractive.
Guess what: they are way different than the scenarios men THINK women will find attractive.
When asked, guys usually think standing in front of a luxury car, or going shirtless at the gym is what is going to get a women aroused.
That couldn't be further from the case. Actually, here's a short list of some highly attractive scenarios we've personally validated to get you going:
- Going for a walk in the park on a cold day, wearing layers
- Walking down a quaint street wearing linen clothes during golden hour in summer time
- Bending down to pet a dog at the park (not your own dog)
- Holding up a glass of champagne, giving a toast at a dinner party.
- Walking on a tennis court wearing athletic clothes at dusk
- Hiking up the side of a mountain as the sun sets
- Leaning against the wall outside of a night club at night, wearing all black clothes
- Standing on a balcony overlooking the city, side profile shot
- A seductive photo in kitchen, where you are busy pouring a glass of wine
What do all of these scenarios have in common?
They are common, everday scenarios that just about anybody could find themselves in, and yet the create a sense of fun and intrigue about your lifestyle.
Or put more simply, you are showing her that you have a life.
Putting it all together
By showing her that you have a life, and utilizing a level of composition that immediately makes you stand out, you are instantly putting yourself ahead of 99% of guys on dating apps.
I wish that weren't the case, and that the content of your character could show through instead... but that's not the reality.
Okay, so at this point you are probably thinking to yourself:
How do I get a good set of photos?
You really only have two options:
- Hiring a professional dating profile photographer, one who specializes in modern dating photo and has a proven track record of success.
- Use AI to generate completely undetectable, highly realistic dating app photos.
The latter is exactly why we built DatingShoot. Most people don't have the time, energy, or money (a professional dating shoot costs $1,700 on average!) to get professional dating app pictures.
That's why we tirelessly researched and developed an AI algorithm that can produce 100% realistic, undetectable, and highly attractive AI dating app photos.
By the way, all of the best dating photos for guys you saw in this article were generated using our algorithm! So get your photos today and transform your dating life in 1 click!